Is water color important to the pool design?

August 17, 2015

We are far from the days of only white plaster as a pool finish option. There is a wide range of finish types and textures ranging from exposed pebble, quartz, plaster to luxuriously polished surfaces. Choosing the type of pool finish is just the first step in this process.

Once the pool finish type decision has been made it is time to choose a color within that product line. The finish color plays an important role in determining the swimming pool water color along with other variables such as pool size, the surroundings including hardscape and foliage and sunlight also are factors that influence water color.  Watch this video to learn in depth the Influences that affect water color.              

Pools are no longer just considered a place for the kids to play or to only enjoy during the summer months. Today’s pools are designed to be an extension of the home. A well-designed pool and backyard will bring the entertaining outdoors.

Pool owners view their pool as a form of art and use it to create an ambiance or theme in their backyard with the pool nearly always being the focal point. Water color hues become an important dynamic in the pools design. The hardscape, pool and area lighting, sound systems, gathering areas all work in concert to complete the experience. One of the most important factors of a well thought out pool design is color. The pool water color can gain attention and create a connection. Color reflects the mood of a design and can invoke emotions, feelings, and even memories.  

Committing to a color can be scary since pool finishes are permanent. If there is uncertainty about the water color hue the best option would be to wait until the end of the construction process before making a final color selection. In most cases the pool finish is the last phase of the backyard project. Waiting to see the how the hardscape, tile and landscaping elements look together can lessen the anxiety about making the wrong decision.  

Pool water color hues generally fall into five categories; Blue, Aquamarine, Green, Black Bottom casting a green hue and Black Bottom casting a blue hue. An intense blue water color may create an high energy feeling while a black bottom pool maybe described as sophisticated. Here are some words that describe some pool water color hues:

Blue Hues - Friendly, inviting, fun, splashy


Aquamarine Hues - Peaceful, restful, harmony 

Green Hues - Nature, earthiness, bold


Black Bottom Hues - Thoughtful, sophisticated, elegant


Color is a wonderful way to communicate a feeling to the viewer. Much of the reaction to color is subtle, triggered by tiny nerve ending and chemicals in the brain that excite, sadden, overwhelm or inspire the viewer, when coming in contact with various colors.  Different hues and saturation levels can convey elegance, creativity and seriousness, while others convey excitement and playfulness.

As you are browsing through swimming pool products gallery consider which water color hues you are drawn to and how it might fit with your pool setting. While color is not the only important part of your pool design it could be the very first thing that people notice in your backyard.